Home » Traveller Community Services Laois

Health Care Service Laois traveller action group image one.png

Primary Health Care Team

Our Primary Healthcare Team consists of 5 peer led Traveller Community Healthcare works who deliver initiatives to their own community.

They also work to raise awareness on issues such as diabetes, mental health, asthma and cardiovascular as well as raising awareness of health issues affecting families, for example vaccinations programmes and oral health.

They deliver information in various ways, from outreach, social media, newsletters, and information groups/workshops.

Public Healthcare Nurse

The Primary Healthcare nurse works in partnership with Laois Traveller Action Group (LTAG) and is responsible for planning Traveller specific health programmes along with the Primary Healthcare Team in a culturally sensitive and appropriate manner to meet the health needs of the wider Traveller communities in Laois.

The work is based on five key performance indicators within Traveller health:

  • mental health
  • diabetes
  • cardiovascular
  • accommodation
  • education

The social determinants health approach is an important guiding principle in the work.

Their work includes outreach to families, design and distribution of Traveller specific health promotional documents, Inter-agency and committee work, Awareness Campaigns etc

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Comunity Development Service Laois traveller action group image one.png

Development Programme

Our Community Development Programme consists of two workers, one specific to the Women’s Programme and the other to the Men’s Programme.

The Community Development Team work to develop relationships with Traveller families in Laois through:

  • Outreach
  • Workshops
  • Men’s groups
  • Women’s groups
  • Events
  • Men’s Shed.

The aim is to improve mental health and wellbeing, physical health and better living conditions for Traveller families. The Community Development Team advocate on behalf of Traveller individuals and families.

Accommodation Services

Laois Traveller Action Group Community Development Workers support and advocate for families and individuals on all housing issues. They work closely with Laois County Council and are members of the LTACC (Local Traveller Accommodation Consultative Committee). They work with families on housing applications and support them in accessing services.

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Men's Sheds Service Laois traveller action group image one.png

Men’s Sheds

LTAG are currently in the process of securing a new premises for the Men’s Shed.

This is a space where the Traveller Men can come together to meet, chat and work on a variety of projects.

Women’s Group

Our Community Development Worker, Women’s Groups run a variety of groups and workshops. These groups provide the women a place to meet, work on projects and have open discussions on a variety of topics affecting their daily lives.

Projects such as ‘Make Mosaic’ is a project that has been worked on by both the Men’s and Women’s Groups. Other example or groups have been Zumba, card making, mosaic mirrors, Christmas wreaths, Christmas cakes, meditation, floral arrangements.

Trips such as Knock, and the Japanese gardens have taken place.

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Mens Group Laois traveller action group image one.png

Men’s Group

Our Community Development Worker, Men’s Group works to engage Traveller men from Co. Laois to engage in programmes such as soccer leagues, handball, trips such as Croake Patrick and the Japanese Gardens.

These groups are an opportunity to improving awareness of all health issues that affect them, helping to improve their mental health and encouraging conversation around the awareness of mental health and suicide.

The Traveller men attending these groups are encouraged to participate in the Traveller Men’s Health Network.

Education Support

The Community Development team support and advocate for Traveller families in relation to Education support. The team works with families, local schools, family liaison officers in Co. Laois.

LTAG does not have specific funding for an Education or Youth Worker.

The Community Development, Women’s Programme worker is currently supporting candidates on an NUIG preparation course, working with an LOETB tutor to support them.  These candidates with be commencing an NUIG Diploma – Level 7 in Community Development Practice (With a focus on Well-Being)

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A sign posted on a wall that reads "Community Hub: Incorporating Tír na Nog Afterschool Service. www.ltag.ie, 057 868 2210.

After School Service

LTAG runs a Traveller-specific after-school service in Portarlington. The children get assistance with their homework and a hot meal daily.

We are working with Music Generation teaching the children music and singing lessons. The children also attend swimming once a week.

We have a sensory room, a playground, and a polytunnel. Also, we plan to install an outside kitchen in 2024.